April 12, 2023
Free Training for a limit time! As a valued member of the growing membership in the Communications Workers of America, we have provided members with the opportunity to take a deeper dive in their current field or to broaden their knowledge base. Your union cares about your career development so we made this opportunity available to you. To qualify, you must be a CWA member in good standing. Ed2go Courses 1. You can enroll in a class within one course at a time. 2. You must COMPLETE the course to request another 3 .Courses are offered in a structured 6 week online format or a 3 month self paced. You will select the start date on the site. If you select the 3 month option, you access begins once approved. Apply online now, while funding is availalbe. |
Also available- all the time- check out our LinkedIn Learning Program.
*** AT&T employees already have access to this program through the AT&T HR ONESTOP website. |